Support Dale Farm - film night Tuesday 2nd March

Dale Farm is a traveller site in Crays Hill, Essex which is home to over 1,000 people.

It was established in the 1970s by Basildon District Council but is now due to be evicted after the same council awarded the notorious Constant & Co a multi-million pound eviction contract in December.

On Tuesday 2nd March at 7pm we will be showing a number of films about Dale Farm and the eviction of traveller sites, and will be discussing how we can support the struggle against the eviction.

Dale Farm infonight, Thursday 3rd December

Dale Farm is a traveller site in Crays Hill, Essex which is home to over 1,000 people.

It was established in the 1970s when Basildon District Council gave planning permission to 40 families.

Protest against Dale Farm eviction

On Thursday 10th December, 7.30pm, outside Basildon Centre

PROTEST RALLY to coincide with meeting of Basildon Council's Cabinet to select one of two bailiff firms (one being Constant & Co.) for the Dale Farm eviction operation: And to call upon subcontracting companies G.Moore Haulage and WFL Recovery  not to take part in the eviction. 
OR if they do to ensure no children are present when their machines and vehicles enter the site - as required by safety law and requested by the UK Children's Commissioner.

more on Dale Farm

Dale Farm: Facing Eviction

If as now expected the case of Dale Farm is heard by the UK supreme court, the issue at test will be whether a policy of physical exclusion, which has afflicted Gypsy life in Britain for generations, should finally be checked.

Since the siege of Dale Farm commenced, public expenditure on anti-Gypsy measures in England has amounted to well over 200 million euro. That’s more than the entire outlay during the EU Decade of Roma Inclusion.
