Naming and shamng Barnardo's in Camden

A group of No Borders activists took banners out into the busy area of Camden this Saturday (see Indymedia report with photos here (link is external)). We were able to draw attention to the involvement of Barnardo's in the detention of children and families at The Cedars, near Gatwick airport, to the crowds that pass through Camden market and high street.

Video of Barnardo's protest

On 17th February, No Borders activists occupied the headquarters of Barnardo's, demanding that it "quits the child detention business". Below is a short video of the protest.

Barnardo's protest ends but the campaign continues.

Protestors occupied Barnardo's HQ for over two and a half hours this
afternoon. There was also a lively solidarity demo outside with around 50
people including a samba band.

Barnardo's declined the requests of the occupiers to speak to the chief
exec. After some time they said that a senior staff member would meet with
the occupiers but they then reneged on their promise and got police to
violently eject the three protestors who remained inside.

No Borders activists occupy Barnardo's HQ over child detention

No Borders activists are currently occupying the headquarters of
Britain's largest children charity, demanding that it “quits the child
detention business”.

The latest protest at Barnardo's offices in Barkingside, Essex, started at
1pm in a bid to force the charity to stop providing its services at a new
detention facility near Crawley, Sussex, to hold families facing forcible

Bordered London: Agencies & companies involved in the detention & deportation machine

Thousands of migrants are illegalised, locked up and forcibly deported every year for doing what people have done for thousands of years: moving in search of a better life, fleeing wars, persecution, discrimination, abuse and so on. Their lives are made miserable by discriminatory policies devised by unscrupulous decision makers and private companies that make vast profits from their suffering. From immigration prisons, reporting centres, to government and corporate offices, this map is intended to illustrate how the border regime in London and the surrounding areas works.

UK opens new detention centre for children and families, 01/09/11

London NoBorders strongly condemns today's opening of a new "pre-departure accommodation centre" for children and families in Sussex.

The centre, known as "Cedars", is located in the village of Pease Pottage south of Gatwick airport, and will hold nine families for 72 hours or up to one week in "exceptional circumstances". It will be run by infamous security company G4S and "play facilities" will be provided by Barnardo's.

Barnardo's! Quit the child detention business!

Activists from SOAS Detainee Support (link is external) and London NoBorders today demonstrated outside Barnardo's HQ in Barkingside, Essex to demand that Barnardo's cease its involvement in the detention machine.

The protest was the latest in a campaign against the children's charity Barnardo's which will be running play facilities at the government's newest prison for migrants which will shortly open in Pease Pottage, near Gatwick in Sussex.
