Faridah Kenyini latest

Latest news from Tyneside Community Action for Refugees about Faridah Kenyini, facing deportation from Heathrow (see post below for details):

On behalf of Faridah and her supporters, thank you to everyone who took the time to send an e-mail to Jim Cousins MP or phone/fax Kenya Airlines.

What happened?: Faridah was not deported on Tuesday evening. The reason given was that Group 4 (a private company with a contract to transport prisoners) arrived late at the airport. We don't know what would have happened if she had arrived on time. It may be that the pressure we put made the airline reluctant to carry her.

Jim Cousins MP received many supportive letters, e-mails and phone calls which backed up his case when he made a representation to parliament on Tuesday.

What will happen now?: Faridah is still in a detention centre and the Home Office has booked another flight on Monday 13th November, 7pm. She is STILL IN DANGER. Her solicitor will be trying legal means of preventing the deportation on Thursday 9th November and Jim Cousins is also acting. A demonstration at Heathrow airport may be necessary.

Thank you once again for your support.
Together we are stronger!