Global migration news

6000 dead and nothing said: 'Of a total 37,000 migrants who in 2006 tried to reach Spain's Canary Islands from Africa, an estimated 6,000 died on the perilous sea voyage, making the death toll close to one in six, according to Spanish officials. Immigration services say they recovered 600 bodies but reckon the actual death toll is ten times higher. A total 31,000 migrants survived the journey, the officials said'. More details here.

Mexican border dead remembered: 'Migrants’ rights groups in Tijuana are replacing the 1,000 wooden crosses they’ve affixed to the U.S. Mexico border fence during the last eleven years. The crosses which represent migrants who’ve died crossing the California Mexico border are rotting due to sun and rain... Aproximately 4,000 migrants have died crossing the U.S. Mexico border in the last 11 years'. More here

Greek government considers regularisation: the cabinet has approved a proposal 'to amend an existing immigration law to help thousands of illegal immigrants seeking legal status in Greece'. More here.

Christmas Day in Morocco: 40 people were arrested on Christmas Day whilst trying to 'scale a 6-metre (20-foot) fence between northern Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla'. Two days earlier 'over 200 migrants were rounded up in dawn raids in suburbs of the capital Rabat'.