Meeting to oppose Points Based Immigration

Wednesday 13 January 2010 17:00
RHB 142 - ground floor, main building
Goldsmiths, Lewisham Way , New Cross SE14 6NW

Following our public meeting at the beginning of December (entitled 'Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Movement'), we are having an organising meeting to build the campaign against the Points-Based System for Immigration. Join us and bring your ideas for actions and events so we can build awareness and opposition to the new immigration rules. All welcome.

Why are we opposing the Points Based System for Immigration?

The new 'points based' immigration rules represent a serious threat to campus democracy and freedom of speech. They require non-EU students and staff to have biometric ID cards, involve demands on the financial background of applicants and mean that staff are obliged to report students to the UK Border Agency when they have not attended regularly.

We feel these rules are unwarranted, undemocratic and unfair. We feel they destroy the relationship of trust between staff and students, represent a threat to academic freedom, are discriminatory and shut down international dialogue and exchange.

We welcome the involvement of civil liberties, migration rights and anti-surveillance campaigners.

For more information, see

or email