Open discussion about Lampedusa and Tunisia, 23/06/11

The Arabic countries have been struggling for months to chase the dictators and change their dictatorships into democracies. Their right to move and live in other countries of the world has been denied because of agreements between the Fortress Europe and dictators as Ben Ali or Kadafi, and it is still denied because the blind European policy has not changed at all. This means thousand of people are dying in the attempt to cross the Mediterranean sea, thousands get stopped in the Libyan-Tunisian border and live for months in terrible conditions in tents in the middle of the desert while the lucky ones get to Europe to live with no papers and no rights.

Please join London NoBorders for an open discussion on Lampedusa and Tunisia on Thursday 23rd June at 7pm at LARC. Some videos and pictures will be shown. The discussion will be followed by a brief London NoBorders meeting.