Saturday 30 October 2010
( 3pm at Piccadilly Circus / corner of Coventry Street )
"Life is too short to be controlled - Part II", a protest against internal and external borders. The protest will take place in London on Saturday 30 October 2010, gathering at 3pm at Piccadilly Circus ( corner of Coventry Street/Haymarket ) and then off towards the UK border at St Pancras.
It appears that as part of the "Days of Action against the Racist Press" some people have distrubuted a freesheet called "metr0" all over London last Friday which shared some similarities with the well known "METRO free newspaper", which is published by Associated Newspapers Ltd, who are also behind the "Daily Mail". The newspaper featured a headline stating that "Gordon Brown is to be deported to Scotland" and other articles related to racism in the British press.