Stop Deportation Benefit in Hackney, Saturday April 25th

The Stop Deportation Network are having a benefit and info night on Saturday, 25th April. Proceeds will go to funding campaigning and direct action against deportations and charter flights.

Films will include shorts of the Tinsley blockade and other actions and interviews with Iraqi deportees conducted in Iraqi Kurdistan after they were deported. Speakers will include Dashti Jamal of the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees.

@ 100 Flowers Social Centre, 2a Belgrade Rd, N16, London. From 7pm.
£5/3 suggested donation.

Joint Uk/French Detention Centre planned in Calais

According to a report of "The Times" today, a joint Anglo-French detention centre is being planned for Calais to hold hundreds of migrants gathering near the Channel port.

As the report continues, "Phil Woolas, the Immigration Minister, disclosed proposals to tackle the surge of migrants, many from Afghanistan and Iraq, at Channel ports hoping for a new life in Britain. "

Deportees tell of charter flight misery

(IFIR) Between fifty and fifty-five people were deported to Iraqi Kurdistan on the charter flight that left for Iraq on Monday morning and arrived in Erbil in on Tuesday morning
The flight appears to have been operated by a Czech company as the plane stopped for re-fuelling in the Czech Republic and there were apparently signs saying Czech Republic on the plane.

Campaigners Resist Deportation of Brighton Family

Anti-deportation campaigners protested at Terminal 5, Heathrow Airport, this morning against the deportation of a Brighton family who the Home Office is trying to remove to Algeria.

A family of Algerian asylum seekers were taken from their home in Hove to Yarl’s Wood detention centre at 6.30am on the morning of Wednesday 11th pending deportation. The Home Office have booked a flight at 8.40am Tuesday morning (BA 895) and plan to remove them to Algeria.

Forced returns to DR Congo

Since the British courts rejected a recent Country Guidance case that presented a wealth of evidence that asylum seekers forcibly returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo risk being persecuted by the authorities, the Home Office has stepped up its attempts to deport people to that country.

From: Congo Support Project
Forced returns to DR Congo in full swing
