Travelling to the Calais Noborder camp by Coach

The Calais Noborder Camp will take place from‭ ‬June‭ ‬23‭ ‬-‭ ‬29th‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬with a transnational demonstration on Saturday June‭ ‬27th.‭ ‬For people who want to come to the camp for the weekend,‭ ‬London NoBorders organises a coach to get to Calais.‭ ‬

Demo in Calais on 21st May - close detention centres! No borders!

see report at

Here is a translation of the text from the article:

21st May in Calais : the prefect [of the Calais area] Bousquet sends his troops. The prefect and his army responded to the call [for a demo] by SOS soutien aux Sans Papier [SOS Support the Undocumented]
Calais was besieged by garde-mobiles [national guard] and the CRS [riot police] at strategic locations.

Crossing Channels IV! Sat 6th June

Crossing Channels IV: a London No Benefit for the Noborder Camp in Calais
Saturday 6th June
8pm-2am @ RampART Social Centre, 15-17 Rampart Street, Whitechapel E1 2LA

Speak Out against Duncan, Lewis & Co

1pm, Sat 30 May, outside Duncan Lewis (corner Balls Pond Road and Kingsland Road)

Duncan Lewis take Legal Aid contracts for types of cases that community law centres and Citizens Advice Bureaux cannot afford to take. In many cases that we’ve heard about, they seem to manage to do this by cutting corners and letting their clients down.
In the next few months, the government will award a new round of contracts for legal aid provision.

Transnational demo for freedom of movement, Calais, Sat 27th June

Transnational demo for freedom of movement and the abolition of migration controls. Calais, Saturday 27th June 2009.

In Calais there are around 800-1000 migrants at any one time that are trying to cross the Channel, under constant harassment from the police.
These migrants are harassed because they do not have the right papers, or in many cases no papers at all – they are 'sans-papier'.

Calais Infonight in Oxford

Calais NoBorder Camp Infonight

Monday 25th May, 7.30pm, at Wadham College, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PN

Meeting hosted by STAR Oxford / Campaign to Close Campsfield

All welcome.
