Today, March 14, at 6:45 pm, residents from Dale Farm will issue a
statement outside the Basildon Council meeting (Towngate Theatre, St.
Martin's Square, Basildon SS14 1DL). There they will be joined by supporters who will also participate in a press briefing.
Basildon Council is set to vote today on whether to authorise £18 million pounds for the eviction of the Traveller community at Dale Farm. The Council are coming under fire for spending millions of pounds on a discriminatory eviction at a time when they are cutting public services. A special council meeting will commence at 7:30 pm to vote on the eviction.
Dale Farm is a former scrapyard that a group of Travellers bought and now call home. It is currently a community of around 1000 people, the
largest in Europe, and was featured in the tv hit "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding".