News from Lampedusa - a personal report (part 4)

This is the fourth in a series of reports from a NoBorders activist in Lampedusa. (Read: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ).

Two weeks passed since the last time I had some spare time to write a report. Sorry.

In this two weeks the situation was so mad that we could barely have time to sleep: the migrants in Lampedusa went up to about 7000 according to the official numbers...

Since the overcrowded Detention centre had no space left, people were left to sleep roughly in a small hill between the port and the airport. They soon started to build tents with any kind of material they could find around.

They had just a few toilets. Almost no blankets and no food a part from what the people were giving them.

News from Lampedusa - a personal report (part 3)

This is the third in a series of reports from a NoBorders activist in Lampedusa. (Read Part 1 and Part 2 ).

Yesterday [20/03/11] we woke up around 7 because someone was shouting from a megaphone on a car telling people to go and occupy the port to stop the arrival of red cross tents probably for at least 10000 people. The woman at the megaphone is one of the locals that want to save the economy in Lampedusa and want that the Tunisian are transferred somewhere else in Italy. We went there to check what was happening. The people of Lampedusa always try to explain to the Tunisians that they are not against them and they just want them to be transferred quickly anywhere else in Italy. They also wanted the Tunisians to join but most of them were too scared to get in trouble.

At the end they had to let they unload the tents because otherwise the ferry boat would not leave with their fishes and it would have been a problem for the many fishermen.

Migration to Europe from North Africa in spring 2011

In the last few months revolts in north Africa have led to an increasing number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean to southern Europe.

Italy says that since the start of 2011 22,000 migrants have come to its shores, mostly from Tunisia.

We know of several boats that left African shores but failed to reach Italy. A boat which left Libya on 22nd March carrying 335 Eritreans and Ethiopians was attacked at sea and the passengers shot and killed. On 6th April, a boat with over 200 Somalians and Eritreans capsized and only 49 survived. Undoubtedly hundreds more have tried to make the journey in recent weeks and have perished on the way [1], the latest victims of Fortress Europe.

Week of action against Frontex, 16th-23rd May

The Warsaw noborder collective RAS and the union of syndicalists of Poland ZSP invites you to a week of actions against Frontex, the headquarters of which are located in Warsaw. Throughout the week starting on May 16th there will take place amongst others: screenings of films concerning immigrant issues, street games, workshops and meetings with European noborder groups. We will conclude the Anti-Frontex Days on May 23rd with a demonstration in front of the Frontex offices aimed against „Fortress Europe”. We will stand together against discriminatory immigration policy and apartheid in Europe and in concern for the dire situation of thousands of migrants as a result of official practices of dehumanization. This event and your support are especially important, as Frontex functions here in Warsaw rather inconspicuously and to the general ignorance of Polish society. While Polish authorities hail the presence of an EU headquarters in our capital city, few are actually aware of what this institution does, not only in the Mediterranean, but also along the Polish border with Ukraine and Belarus, since 2004 a heavily fortified external border of Fortress Europe. More particularly, on May 23rd we will commemorate Maxwell Itoya, a migrant of Nigerian origin who a year ago on this day was brutally shot dead in the center of Warsaw by the police. His case remains „unsolved” while the police murderer has returned to service without any punishment.

Bulgaria NoBorder camp

From 25th-29th August 2011 there will be a NoBorder camp in Bulgaria.

For more info go the NoBorder Bulgaria website.

NOII national gathering, 09/04/11

No One Is Illegal National Gathering, Saturday 9th April, midday - 5pm

@ Basement rooms S13, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 0AL

All welcome. Please some bring food along if you can

Call Bex on 07971719797 for directions/more information

Discussion on border issues in Abyei, Sudan, 20/04/11

20th April, 7pm
@ Ratstar, 298 Camberwell Road

Discussion on border issues in Abyei, Sudan with former residents. There'll be some brief video footage and an open discussion on how best we can show solidarity with people who are scared they will find themselves on the "wrong" side of a new border, and currently experiencing ethnic cleansing as the imposition of a border plays a role in incentivising land grabs and exaggerating tensions between local communities.
