Calais Migrant Solidarity infonight, 24/01/11

Monday 24th January, 7pm @ School of African and Oriental Studies, Thornhaugh St, London WC1 0XG. Ask at Reception for room number.

Calais Migrant Solidarity have a new permanent space in Calais and people are always welcome. If you want to find out more about it with a view to a visit come along and find out more from activists who have spent time there. We will also be showing short films on Calais.

News from Calais: Africa House Under Attack

Wednesday 24th November 2010: (from calais migrants solidarity (link is external)) Africa House was raided again this morning at 8.45am. The police had informed Secours Catholique that they intended to raid, so by 8.30am a small crowd of charity workers and journalists (including some from the Nord Littoral newspaper) had formed to watch and take photographs. Four people were arrested for having no papers, including one CMS activist, but everybody else managed to get away after the whistles were blown. With the help of a JCB, council workers were successful in removing the barricades to Africa House and after an hours work left the entrance open for police to drive in without hindrance. Everyone arrested, including the CMS activist, was released several hours later after having their morning wasted in Coquelles detention centre.

News from Calais: A week in November

Reports from Calais from 14-23 November (by calais migrants solidarity):

Tuesday November 23nd: The break Africa House recieved from police raids was short lived as they were hit with a huge raid at just past 8.00am this morning. No stone was left unturned as four vans worth of CRS (Unit 7) searched every room in every building arresting 21 African Migrants. CMS activists were on watch and allerted people inside with whistles and shouting, unfortunately – most likely due to the incredible rain – many people decided against running away. One arrest van was filled past capacity and four people had to stand. Activists commented on the overloaded bus but the police responded with shrugged shoulders and smirks. While waiting for the next arrest van to arrive, hot tea and pastries were distributed to the hungry Migrants (by CMS) who would be missing there breakfast sat in the police cells.

Calais Migrant Solidarity benefit, 13/11/10

Benefit for Calais Migrant Solidarity (link is external) @ south London venue (call on the day 07962 483750 for details). From 5pm (free entry): * Workshops: Coming to Calais / Refugees and migrants in the UK and migrating to Europe * Film * Food by donation. From 9pm til late:(£5 suggested donation) * 52 Commercial Road (link is external) (London) * Soundfilm (Belgium) * Spanner (link is external) (Bristol) * Wildkatz * DJs from D (link is external)
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Updates from Calais ( 24 October 2010)

Africa House is being slowly demolished on the heads of the occupiers…

24th October – summary of the past week and a half: The CRS have been gone from Calais for a few days, due to the general strike, protests and riots and 50 cops in hospital across various locations in France…

Instead, the PAF have been extraordinarily busy harassing migrants in their camps and squats, in the streets and on their way to England; a large number of injuries have been sustained by migrants such as bruises, cuts – often requiring stitches – broken fingers, damaged knees, dislocated wrists and ankles — the usual. One man had the skin of the palms of his hands peeled off after being dragged down a lorry by port security.

Report from Festival Without Borders in Calais, September 2010

We actually did it: No Borders Calais organised a successful week-long music festival in Calais (6-12 September 2010), one of the shittest towns in Europe, in the teeth of the French police and the local authorities, with no publicity at all, a few hundred euros, and little of what you could call organisation. And some of us say it was just about the best party we've ever been to.

Updates from Calais ( 12-14 August 2010 )

Sat 14th August

Numerous arrests in the morning when people go to town from their jungles and squats.

Police went to Pashto jungle in the morning around 9.30, everybody who had no papers went to hide, no arrests were made.

A group of 6 or 7 Pashto were stopped on the road to town around 10 am, one young man was arrested the others had papers. Others were arrested elsewhere. Two boys were arrested in the Richelieu park at around 11, despite having just returned from the police station.

A group of 6 Africans were arrested on the road coming from the African squat.
